Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."
Matthew 19:14
We love kids and our L4 Kids ministry for 1st-5th grade is a great place to learn God's Word, hang out with friends and have a blast doing it! Our leaders will encourage your kids with large and small group experiences as they learn about the Bible, make friends, pray for one another, and participate in practical activities that reinforce the lesson for the week. We also offer classes for kids birth-Kindergarten, giving the same opportunities to our youngest learners.

Sunday Mornings Wednesday Nights
9:30 am Small Group Bible Studies Children's Church during Worship
At 9:30am, we have a co-ed group that meets together for first through second grade. Third through fifth graders are split into a guys group and a girls group. There's classes for children Kinder and below as well!
Children through fourth grade will start in the 10:30am worship service with their families and will be dismissed to Children's Church at the appropriate time. Parents should pick up their children when the service is over. Children's Church does NOT meet on the first Sunday of each month.
Children through fourth grade will start in the 10:30am worship service with their families and will be dismissed to Children's Church at the appropriate time. Parents should pick up their children when the service is over. Children's Church does NOT meet on the first Sunday of each month.
6:30pm RA's and GA's
Kids first through fifth grade enjoy Royal Ambassadors (RA's) and Girls in Action (GA's) on Wednesday nights.
Boys head to RA's where they learn things like knot tying and talk about missionaries; girls love GA's where they participate in crafts and also learn about missionaries.
Be sure to invite your friends!
Boys head to RA's where they learn things like knot tying and talk about missionaries; girls love GA's where they participate in crafts and also learn about missionaries.
Be sure to invite your friends!